2. FIAM Account Administration

How to create a new Media

How to create a new Media. You must be an Organisation Admin to make changes to your account and media definitions. As a Publisher, you can onboard, measure and report several different media entitie…

Updated by Amalie

How to create a new Media Title

How to create a new Media Title. You must be an Organisation Admin to make changes to your account and media definitions. Once you have created a set of Media for the websites, iOS-, Android- and vid…

Updated by Amalie

How to manage Groups in the Grouping Level

Introduction to the Grouping Level. The grouping level list provides the FIAM publishers to report freely on any combination of their own FIAM-measured entities. The results will include all valid tr…

Updated by Amalie

How to prepare your account for FIAM measurement

How to prepare your account for FIAM measurement. As a Publisher, you can onboard, measure, and report several different media entities to the FIAM measurement. These media entities can be: W ebsites…

Updated by Amalie

How to preview and review the Toplist before publication

How to preview and review the Toplist before publication. Every Tuesday at 12 CET the preview of the Toplist is ready for your review. The publisher is responsible for checking if any changes made to…

Updated by Amalie

How to remove a media

To remove a media from your account first of all you have to Invalidate this media in the Validation overview tab: And then remove it from Media and Media title tabs:

Artem Sheludko
Updated by Artem Sheludko

How to validate or invalidate a media?

How to validate or invalidate a media?. To publish a media entity to the public reports (the FIAM Media Title Toplist, Grouping level Toplist, Publisher Toplist and Kits Explorer competitor compariso…

Updated by Amalie

Making changes to Media Titles and Section Titles

Making changes to Media- and Section Titles. It's possible for Publishers to make changes to their Media Titles and Section Titles including adding new media / sections, changing the names and even d…

Updated by Amalie

User Administration

User administration for Organisation administrators. Note that you must be an Organisation Admin to make changes to your account, media definitions, users, and access. As Organisation Admin of your c…

Updated by Amalie
