How to create a Kits report

Amalie Updated by Amalie

How to create a Kits report

When you log in to your UserReport account via. you will need to select the 'Kits' tab in the top bar to be redirected to your kits page.

If you have already created kits and you are looking for a specific one, on the top right you will find a filter option: you will then be able to filter kits according to target country, target profile, kits’ status, and author.

To add a project, simply click the purple “+New” button in the upper right corner of the Kits page.

This will take you to the “Create a new kit” page. Here you will have to go through five different steps: “Details”, “Target”, “Media”, “Build” and “Share”.


In this section, you will enter some basic information about the report you want to build.

  • Name: this is the name you will choose for your kit, it is for internal use and will not be displayed in public.
  • Client name: if the kit is meant for a specific client.
  • Country: the country, in which you want to document your ability to reach people.
  • Period: the time period your kit should cover. You can select up to 12 weeks.

 When you are done, remember to press the “Save” button.


If you want your kit to document reach, pageviews, and affinity towards a specific target group, here you will define such target group’s characteristics.

Demographics: you will be able to define your target group according to gender, age, education, employment, income, children, and house size.



Here you will select the sites, sections, and subsections you will want to validate in the Kit.

On the top right side, you will find the “Filter” option: there you will able to filter your media by statistics, label, network, and level and you will also have the option to add all of the media just by clicking on the “add all” button.

For each media/section, you will be able to see already the number of page views and their reach.


How did we do?

How to build and share your Kits report

Introduction to FIAM Kits API
