Target group translation table
Updated by Amalie
Target group translation table
AudienceProject offers a free online survey that companies, organizations and other website holders can set up to evaluate their users’ satisfaction with their website.
At the end of the survey, the respondent is asked if they want to become a member of AudienceProjects online survey panel.
You'll find more information about the panel, recruitment and replenishing processes in the offline documentation that has been circulated as part of our partnership and recent audit.
The following article aims to provide a translation between the demographic target groups we use in the measurement and the questions and answer options the panelists are presented with, in English as well as in Finnish.
Translation of target groups
Target Group | Question / Answer in Finnish | Question / Answer in English |
*Target group as displayed in target group selection and profile reports | *Question and answer options as they appear to the user when survey is in Finnish | *Question and answer options as they appear to the user when survey is in English |
Household income | "Mitkä ovat kotitaloutesi vuotuiset tulot ennen veroja?" | "What is the annual income of your entire household before tax?" |
Very Low | < 19.999 € | < 19.999 € |
Low | 20.000 - 39.999 € | 20.000 - 39.999 € |
Medium | 40.000 - 74.999 € | 40.000 - 74.999 € |
High | 75.000 - 99.999 € | 75.000 - 99.999 € |
Very High | > 100.000 € | > 100.000 € |
Education | "Mikä on korkein koulutustaso, jonka olet saavuttanut?" | "What is the highest educational level that you have attained?" |
Primary School | Peruskoulun ala-aste | Primary School |
High School | Peruskoulun yläaste | High School |
Secondary School: Technical/Vocational Type | Ammattiopisto, -oppilaitos tai -koulu | Secondary School: Technical/Vocational Type |
Secondary School: University-Preparatory Type | Lukio | Secondary School: University-Preparatory Type |
University Or College Level Education | Korkea-aste: yliopisto, korkeakoulu tai ammattikorkeakoulu | University Or College Level Education |
Translation on recruitment survey questions
Before entering a survey, the potential panelist is asked the following:
"Kerro mielipiteesi ja osallistu lahjakorttien arvontaan.
Haluaisimme vastauksesi muutamaan lyhyeen kysymykseen, jotka liittyvät sivuston käyttökokemukseen. Jos vierailet sivustolla ensimmäistä kertaa, voit vastata myöhemmin.
Olen lukenut yksityisyyden suojan ehdot ja hyväksyn ne."
They must actively accept the policy before they can continue.
Before exiting the survey and entering the survey panel, the potential panelist is also asked the following:
"Jos haluat osallistua kuukausittaiseen arvontaan, anna sähköpostiosoitteesi. Joka kuukausi arvomme kyselyyn vastanneiden kesken 50 40 euron arvoista -lahjakorttia."
You can test the survey live (in english) here.